Ghanaian Top Clubs Should Start Working On Themselves And Stop The Blame Games On The Ghana Football Association For Their Failures Says Mr. Akwowe

Top clubs in the country including premier league and division one clubs should put measures in place and reorganize themselves before the start of the new football season in order not to blame the Football Association for their problems and failures
Most clubs in the country are financially handicapped because we don’t have business oriented football administrators to run the affairs of the various clubs he said

Most of the clubs know very well football is now business but working towards it is their problem
I plead with the club owners, Chief Executive Officers and their board members to start organizing themselves by working on branding, marketing and securing sponsorships which will help make the clubs lucrative to attract a lot of revenue to ease the pressure on the clubs

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By: Kanyiri Suburu Lucio/@SuburuAbdulai