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Soccer Scouting Agency & SSTV Outlines Program For Grassroot Players, Coaches and Clubs To Attract Sponsors

Business minded football administrator, Mr. Akwowe has outlined series of programs to support Grassroots football which includes players, coaches and clubs as well to enable them attract sponsors in order to market their clubs and players

The series of programs for the clubs include:

1.Documentary for Clubs (Profile)

2.Video Matches

3.Club Management (Structures)

4.Kits/Team Branding

5.Tournament and Training Tour

6.Match Fixing

The programs lined up for both coaches and players also include

1.Players Placement to Clubs (Local & Foreign)

2.Video Matches and CV

3.Documentary (Players & Coaches)

4.Justify your Inclusion

5.Coaches Placement to clubs

He says with such initiative programs, branding and publication in football will maximum and help attract scouts, agents and investors to get into the development of the game

For Sponsorship & Business Contact us below

WhatsApp: +233207062512

By: Kanyiri Suburu Lucio/@SuburuAbdulai

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