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Zambia: Zambia Football Association called off friendly match against South Africa due to xenophobic attacks

The Football Association of Zambia have called off their international friendly match against South Africa which was scheduled to take place in Lusaka on Saturday due to raised tension between South Africans and Africa foreign nationals in South Africa

The decision to cancel the game was confirmed by the FA president Andrew Kamanga live on Robert Marawa’s famous Marawa Sport Worldwide

” The game is off and we communicated that to the South African Football Association and they understood. We have been talking to try and monitor the situation” the president said on the show

The Gauteng province of South Africa has seen a recent act of violent attacks on African foreign nationals. The attacks have been on foreign owned shops, buildings and cars in various parts of Gauteng since last week. The purpose of the said protests and attacks are believed to be in protest against poor government service delivery of jobs and housing

” We are more on the football side than political side but unfortunately we had to do something. During the struggle, Zambia hosted the ANC and we maintained the relationship in Sports and economics as well” added the FAZ president

By: Kanyiri Suburu Lucio/@SuburuAbdulai

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