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Wa Sore Nante FC Crown Champions of Upper West Regional Division II League

Wa Sore Nante FC earned a historic achievement as they were crowned champions of the Upper West Regional Division Two League championship

Wa Sore Nante FC won the middle league with an unbeaten record with 3 wins and 2 draws to accumulate 11 points from possible 15 points

They scored 9 goals and conceded 2 goals throughout the middle league to book their place in next season’s Access Bank Division One League

Wa Sore Nante FC started the middle league on a slow note haven drawn their first two games before finding their rhythm and momentum on MD3 onwards to win their final three matches

On another hand, Malima FC, TF Exponential and Real 24 Hours FC have all booked spots in next season’s MTN FA Cup competition

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