Soccer Talent Hunt Concludes Scouting Program In The Ashanti Region

The scouting team of Soccer Talent Hunt concluded their scouting exercise in the Ashanti region on Saturday 23rd July 2022
The team visited three districts in the Ashanti region to conduct the scouting exercise

First stop for the team was in Konongo in the Ashanti Akim district where young footballers numbering up to 80 took part the exercise
Next venue for the team in the Ashanti region was at the New Bantama AstroTurf pitch which saw a massive number of participants going through the scouting exercise

The final place to have been visited was Obuasi which also saw over 70 players taking part the scouting program
15 players were selected from Konongo, 16 talents were also selected from New Bantama while 8 players were selected in Obuasi to end the scouting program in Ashanti region

In total 39 footballers got selected from the Ashanti region by the scouting team
5 young talents will be selected to represent the region in the Soccer Talent Hunt house

Next for the scouting team is a trip to Cape Coast
By: Kanyiri Suburu Lucio/@SuburuAbdulai