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RFA Elections: Incumbent Upper West Regional Football Association Chairman Alhaji Yahaya Saadugu set to face the wrath of FIFA and GFA ethics Committee

Incumbent Chairman of the Upper West Regional Football Association Aljaji Saadugu Yahaya Biyad is set to face the wrath of FIFA and the ethics committee of the Ghana Football Association for various breaches of the FIFA code of ethics 2019 edition

The Long serving powerful chairman is set to be investigated for using his personal company by name Biyad Gas Company Limited as headline sponsors of the Regional Football Association Division two league

Hence, naming it Biyad Gas Division two league which is in contradiction to Article 19 and 25 of the football governing code of ethics

Article 19 of the code of ethics talks about conflict of interest which states that a person bound by this code shall not perform their duties in situations where a potential conflict of interest might arise, A conflict of interest arise where a person bound by this code appears to have secondary interests that affects his ability to perform his roles with integrity. Secondary interests include but not limited to gaining any possible advantage for persons bound by this code themselves or related parties

Whereas ,Article 25 also talks about abuse of position, whereas persons bound by this code shall not abuse their position in anyway, especially to take advantage of their position for personal gains or aims

The renowned and astue Chairman has clearly breached these two codes and hence must face the wrath of the world football governing body after a petition was filled to Fifa and copied to the GFA ethics committee on Friday the 20th of September by a concerned football lover

The incumbent chairman is set to go to the polls yet again to contest for the seat of upper west regional football Association chairmanship after ruling upper west football for the past 13 years

He is set to face fierce competition from renowned and astue retired FIFA referee Dajan Naa Seidu Boomison for the prestige position

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