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Nsoatreman Football Club Announced Former Wa Suntaa SC Head Coach As New Manager Ahead Of New Season

Division One club Nsoatreman Football Club have announced the capture of coach John Aziz Kandumah as their new head coach ahead of the new season

The CAF license C coach joined the Sunyani based division one side following his departure from Wa Suntaa SC

The young tactician mastermind Wa Suntaa SC qualification to the division one league during their time in the regional division two league with a record breaking unbeaten run

Wa Suntaa SC gained promotion to the division one league unbeaten drawing only one game out of nineteen matches throughout the season

His departure ends his three seasons stay with the Wa based club as head coach

The fast rising tactician went on to make history by becoming the first head coach to have guided a regional men’s football team from the Upper West region to win golden in last year’s national inter-regional schools competitions

The former Wa Numbu United defender is expected to guide the Sunyani based division one side to top flight football in the country

By: Kanyiri Suburu Lucio/@SuburuAbdulai

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