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Female Goalkeeper, Vivian Anane Delighted With The YEA Programme Initiative For Female Footballers

Female goalkeeper, Vivian Anane has expressed her joy for the initiative taken by government to include female footballers in the National Women’s League into the YEA Programme

The Ideal Ladies Football Club goalkeeper says ” I am very happy with the bold initiative taken to enroll female footballers into the programme during this pandemic”

The Football Association have announced that over 480 female players in the Women’s League will benefit from the programme with each receiving a sum of five hundred Ghana cedis over the six months period on the initiative

“These monies will go a long way to help the players and reduce their financial crisis throughout the six months period as well as helping them provide most of their basic needs” says Vivian Anane

With the programme solely covering female players in the women’s league, the young enterprising goalie hope those in the lower women leagues will soon join the programme

“Am glad my colleagues in the top-flight league will benefit from the programme but it is also my hope that it will be extended to the lower women leagues too as well as we are all suffering same fate”

By: Kanyiri Suburu Lucio/@SuburuAbdulai

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