Feature: The Role Of Media In The Development Of Football In Upper West Region

The media as powerful as it is, serves as the mouth piece of the region and must be treated as such. As powerful as the media is, one can’t take any piece of information on it for granted
For the game to develop in the region which we are all craving for, it takes the collective ideas and views from all stakeholders from the Regional Football Association (RFA) down to the ordinary citizens in the region to achieve such highs with regards to the development of the game. One can’t fault any person solely for the non development of the game in the region but has to see it as a collective responsibilities which has led to the non development of the game
As a member of the media in the region aiming to improve the game, it’s time we join forces together to lift the game higher in the region. It does not require us coming together to sit before we can help improve the game in the region
All we need is just coming together to support each others ideas in other to develop the game. Aiming to achieve one collective game, the rise and rise of the game
We shouldn’t undermine or overlook each other’s views and should always try all we can to come together to promote the positive ideas we share. We shouldn’t be reading personal sentiments into each others ideas and there is a need for diverse views as we all can’t have same ideas. Not when our thinking potencies vary in arrival.
Our positive ideas might go a long way to change the face of the game in the region and beyond. We should be the educative agent rather than the destructive agents of the beautiful game we all hope and pray it develop beyond doubts
Stakeholders and citizens in the region should see the need to have the trust in the media and we ought to give them the platform to see the need to invest and support the development of the game in the region
With deprived as we are when it comes to the sharing of the national cake, we have to do more as a group to push the region to the next level
The moment we put our resources and ideas together irrespective of who you are or where you coming from and also not to serve our selfish interest but rather gearing towards seeing the game develop in the region, it will be crystal clear how the game will be developed in the region
By: Kanyiri Suburu Lucio/@SuburuAbdulai