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Chief Executive Officer of Tema City Football Club urges Ghanaians to be law abiding in this period of Covid-19

The Chief Executive Officer for lower division club Tema City Football Club, Mr. Eric Jerry has pleaded with citizens to be law abiding in this period of Covid-19

The bankroller and owner of the Tema based club has urged Ghanaians to strictly adhere to all measures put in place by the health workers and government in combating the deadly virus

“we as citizens should be law abiding in this difficult time and adhere to all directives and measures put in place from the health officers as well as the government. Being able to obey and follow the directives in place is the first step in combating the virus”

On the effect of the virus outbreak in the country and the world at all, he added

“This is abnormal situation we have found ourselves in as a country and the whole world to be precise. Economically everything has come to a standstill and for us to return to normalcy we have to come together and help in the management of the situation in order not to continue spreading the deadly virus”

“Humanity first and no one should take things for granted in this difficult time. Let’s stay home and move when it is necessary to avoid the spread of the virus as it is not the virus that move but we the human beings move and spread it”

“God will definitely see us through this difficult time as a nation and the world at all but for now let’s remain safe and keep indoors”

By: Kanyiri Suburu Lucio/@SuburuAbdulai

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