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Baba Wahid Issah adjudged MVP following Power SC’s victory on MatchDay 2

The Young and energetic Center-back stood out tall on the day as Power SC triumphed over Tietaa FC at the SDA JHS Park.

The first department of the game produced no goal, but there was end to end stuff as the MVP on day was present in the thick of affairs.

Baba Wahid broke the deadlock with ten minutes to the end of normal time with a superb header from a cross, after his side were denied a goal by the Assistant Referee moments before.

The We Can Boys held on and pushed for the second goal from Striker and debutant Gary Philip, who buried the game four minutes after coming on.

The game ended 2-0 and a second consecutive clean for Baba Wahid and his contingent in the Regional League this season.

Next on their Schedule is a Home game against Dark Horses next Weekend on MatchDay 3.


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