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Our Director of coaching education Professor Joseph Kwame Mintah made time to sit down for an interview with on Friday, October 23, 2020. He discussed the creation of the office of coaching education, development of female coaches and capacity building.

Read on for a full transcript:

On the creation of the office of Coaching education 

My position as Director of Coaching Education is long overdue. If you look at the technical directorate set up, coaching forms a key part of it and that if you want the performance to improve, then you need somebody that has to be in charge of your coaching education department.  So, I am not surprised that this department is created and as a result I am the first to occupy it. I can contribute and help in terms of the education of the coaches who will go and influence the performance of our players in the country.

On what he brings on board

I am bringing a lot in the sense that, I am one of the instructors already, I know the Ghana and African terrain also. I have taught soccer, coaching, research Etc. so I am bringing a lot in terms of knowledge, experience, insight and what will help Ghana in terms of development in the coaching terrain. In terms of the education, the ladder will be the same depending upon what structure CAF has for us thus starting with the Intro, which is organized by the FA, having the license C, B, A and if possible, the Pro license. With my Technical Director, we have also discussed about moving it higher by incorporating some of the courses organized by UEFA so we can improve the license for the coaches and the educational aspect of it.

On development of female Coaches 

Already we have some female coaches who are licensed by CAF, unfortunately we don’t have most of them coaching at the female national team level so my goal is to try and continue educating them, give them some room for practice and attachment so that within the next three or four years, we shall see most of them been fully in charge of the female teams at the league level and national level.

On capacity building 

Those that are already in the system within the men sector, what I intend doing is that, we will give them in-service training, help them to build their capacity, introduce more modern trends of coaching which will also help to improve the performance of the players which will reflect on the national teams as well.


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